Posts tagged art
Q&A with Hannah Drossman: Let Spontaneity Be Your Guide

Artist Hannah Drossman understands the importance of spontaneity in the fight against perfectionism. Her work has been published in The New York Times, The New Yorker, The Boston Globe, Buzzfeed, FiveThirtyEight, and more. She talked with me about the joy of working in mediums she can’t control, making choices in the moment, and letting the subconscious flow.

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What Should I Call This? (On Titles)

I’m pretty okay with the whole creative process—the collection of materials and the fashioning of the materials into a form. What I struggle with is coming up with titles for the formed materials. On the one hand, shouldn’t the work speak for itself? On the other, the title contains the formed materials, making them officially cohesive.

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Q&A with Jane Gardner: Getting Things Started

I’m super excited to feature Los Angeles-based designer and illustrator Jane Gardner for the inaugural Q&A of Wild Minds! In addition to being, you know, my sister, Jane is a Senior Graphic Designer at Mattel, where she designs packaging for games including Rock’em Sock’em Robots, The Magic 8-Ball, UNO, and more.

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